fredag 31 maj 2013

Strollin' around town in my moccasins

Last night's outfit: Shirt from Hunkydory, Skirt and Jacket from H&M, Shoes from Minnetonka and Ring from a store in Kiruna, Sweden.

Well it's finally friday! Well, now it's Saturday but still, I'm very happy.
That all I have to say!

Good night then.
Lots of Love

torsdag 30 maj 2013

Just around the River bend

Today's look: Shirt and Bag from H&M, Jeans from Denim & Supply (Ralph Lauren), Cardigan from Hollister, Shoes secondhand. 

Today has been a full day of inventory in our biggest store here in Stockholm, my feet are actually acing. Wow, but I got this great uplifting text from my best friend Becca, reminding me that today it's just 1 month until we head off to USA!! Oh I can't wait!
Now I'm preparing for a fitting for my good friend Emma who graduates from Swedish high school next week. I'm sewing her dress, if you hadn't guessed that yet.

Oh and speeking of dresses; I sat yesterday thinking about the past five months and how many dresses I've made and still making. I'm up to 12 dresses, and I've finished 2. So I'm bacically using all my free time to sew.
I don't mind coz I love it!
I should get to it, haha.

Lots of Love

onsdag 29 maj 2013

Under my Umbrella-ella-ella-eh...

Today it was sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon! Whoop whoop!

So I felt on choosing a more comfy outfit:
New Top from Hunkydory, Jeans from Denim and Supply (Ralph Lauren), Shoes from Converse and Umbrella from a random store in NYC.

Lots of Love

tisdag 28 maj 2013

Eye-liner test

Well hello!
 So I had changed into my running clothes when I realizedI haden't taken pictures of my outfit yet, and I was like, whatever. So i decided on trying a new makeup instead. I ended up playing around with my liquid eyeliner.
Here is the result!
More pics at:

Lots of Love

lördag 25 maj 2013

Playing with green

More pics at: 

Lots of Love

With the sun on my side.


Hello everyone!
How was your saturday? Well, mine was awesome! I met up with my very good friend Rebecka Kalaja and we set off into town. We planned to eat lunch put it ended with us buying a smoothie and went for a long stroll in the city. When we came to Old Town we bought the best ice cream in Stockholm and went to sit in the sun by the water.

It was such great whether today! So nice! I think it must have been at least 22° C.
So the whether called for a summery outfit. I decided to go with:
Dress from Hollister, Vest from Levi's, Shoes from Converse, Bag from Stockholm Fashion Center (Modecenter), Sunglasses from Indiska and Ring from a little shop in Kiruna, Sweden (a city in northern Sweden)

Have a great weekend lovelies!
Lots of Love

torsdag 23 maj 2013

Lead me and I follow.

It's thursday! Which means that tomorrow is Friday!!
I'm soo happy! <3
So Today I went for the boring look of black and denim but I honestly don't care, coz tomorrow it's... you guessed it...Friday!

So for this boring gray day I'm wearing: Shirt from Lindex, Jeans from Denim and Supply (Ralph Lauren) Vest and bag from H&M and Shoes from Converse.

Lots of Love!

tisdag 21 maj 2013

Just add a pinch of Joy

Today's outfit consisted of: Top from H&M reconstructed by me, Jeans from Denim & Supply (Ralph Lauren and Shoes from Converse. Outside I had my jacket from Gap.

Lot's of Love

måndag 20 maj 2013

Road Trip 2012

Hey lovelies!
I felt like sharing some happy memories with you from my road trip last year. It was summer 2012 and we drove from New York City to Los Angeles and we were at it for one whole month. I can strongly recommend a trip like this!
Here are just a handful of the pics we took.

Lots of Love

torsdag 16 maj 2013

Makeup By Joy - Flora

I felt my inspiration flowing so I tryed this!
More pics at: or press the ink in the menu!

Lots of Love

Next Stop Marathon!

It's thrursday which means: Workout time!
Well I'm nit the "Working out at the gym" type of girl but I run. I LOVE to run, I think I get that from my dad. I run outside in the streets, by the water wherever my feet lead me. Today I ran for 26 minuts down the street where I live.

Today I ran in: Tights and Tank from Nike, from Shirt from New Yorker and Shoes and I-phone case from Addidas.

Run hard or walk home!
Lots of Love

onsdag 15 maj 2013

A day packed with work.

Hello my faith full readers!

So today has been a hectic day at work so the day basically just flashed by which is rather nice, actually. I would rather have a day packed with stuff to do than come to work just to do nothing, which sucks.

Anyway, after work I met up with my dear friend Emma to find fabric for her graduation dress that I’m making for her. And when we were finished there I headed home and she headed to church. Here I am updating you with the latest news!
I’m still sewing after all the drama with the wedding dress, (which still isn’t sold yet…) so that is a good sign! I’m still in business!

Right now I’m working on two graduation dresses and four bridesmaid dresses. But everything is coming along great so I’m not worried!

Today’s outfit: Jacket from Jofama, Jeans from Denim & Supply (Ralph Lauren), Tank from Gap, Shoes from Converse, Bag from H&M and Necklace from Maison Scotch

Lots of Love

söndag 12 maj 2013

Summertime in Stockholm

So today has been an awesome day so far!
It started out with suntanning on the balcony and then a 40 min run in the pre summer heat. Then it was off to church, were it's always nice. Then I had ice cream with some friends and a quick lunch. That's it so far. Now I'm waiting for my grandma to come and see the apartment and then it's off to dinner!

So a pretty awesome day!
For today I'm wearing: Jacket from By: Joy Evangeline, Jeans from Levi's, Tank from Gap, Shoes from Converse, Belt from Lindex, Sunglasses from Indiska and Bag from Filippa K

Lots of Love

lördag 11 maj 2013

Fallen Angel

Another creation of mine. This was for a project in school were I drew the first pic and then made a dress plus the wings to match it. Modeling my creation is my beautiful baby sister, Cajsa-Stina.

Lots of Love